Wednesday, December 5, 2012

By Their Fruits

Per a local paper:
St. Mary of the Angels Church on Finley Avenue will reopen and resume activities in December after Father Kelley vacated his quarters on the property October 30th.
Except that the same paper reported a month ago:
“There will be an outreach to hire an interim priest for St. Mary’s and I will remain there for the present,” Morello said. “The church members are happy to get their church back and the services are scheduled to begin again this month [November]. We are working slowly and meticulously to restore the church to normalcy and doing an outreach to all parishioners. Members who had left the church are reacting favorably and returning.”
No one I've talked to has received any sort of "outreach", and no one I've talked to has "reacted favorably" or "returned" -- especially considering that the church remains locked as of now. As I've said here already, Morello and Strawn are, in my opinion, incompetent quacks. The task of reopening the parish is beyond them.

At the same time, David Virtue and other bloggers have been irresponsible in not following up with those same incompetent quacks to get a credible commitment for a schedule on reopening, as well as a credible explanation for what measures they've actually taken to "outreach" to "all parishioners".

If anyone knows of concrete developments on this front, I'd be most interested to hear of them.