Monday, August 24, 2020

What Has Become Of Fr Richard Rojas?

In the context of Bp Lopes's visit to Pennsylvania';s Cement Belt, my regular correspondent suddenly began to wonder what had happened to the North American ordinariate's apostle to that very region, Fr Richard Rojas. As I reported here in 2018,
The history of this group is puzzling. As best my regular correspondent can determine, the group began in January 2014 as a venue for Fr Richard Rojas, who was ordained a priest in the OCSP in 2013 while serving as a military chaplain in Guam. He had been a Presbyterian pastor who subsequently joined the Anglican communion (although I assume this was not a denomination in communion with Canterbury).

My correspondent notes that Fr Rojas was in fact able to switch denominations twice while a chaplain with no interruption to his military career. However, once ordained in the OCSP, he remained in Guam only three months before moving to Scranton, where he and his family lived in the former convent on the STM, Scranton property for a little over a year before he was excardinated to the Diocese of Scranton.

During this time, he celebrated the DW mass at Sacred Heart, Bath. At one time there was a website for the Bath group, but since it appears on neither the OCSP map nor the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society map, there appears not to have been much sustained interest or enthusiasm. In any case, Fr Rojas no longer serves the group, having become administrator of the Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Dushore, PA.

Somewhat belatedly, Fr Rojas began to appear in the sort of sappy publicity that the amateur writers professional journalists at the Antlcianorum Coetibus Society make their specialty. In June, 2017 we see Fr Richard Rojas on The Journey Home, to which someone gushes in the comment,
WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME, Fr. Rojas to the Catholic Faith and to Catholic Priesthood. MAY your ministry as a Holy Priest of God be well Blessed.
However, Fr Rojas left the Bath group and the St Thomas More Scranton parish at some point to become administrator of the Immaculate Heart of Mary parish in Dushore, PA in the Diocese of Scranton. But by November 2018, he had left that position to become chaplain at the Mercy Center in Dallas, PA. He lasted less than a year there. As of last fall, the diocese announced,
Reverend Richard Rojas, priest of The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, from Chaplain, Mercy Center, Dallas, to ministry within the Ordinariate of The Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, effective September 22, 2019. (p 8)
At the same time, Fr Rojas's wife, Deborah, formerly (May-August 2019) the organist at St Thomas More, Scranton, is now the Director of Liturgy and Music at St Monica, Derwyn, PA. Her Facebook page is topped by a family photo, minus Fr Rojas. Meanwhile, there is no mention of any assignment for Fr Rojas in the ordinariate.

If anyone has news of Fr Rojas, I will be most grateful for it. However, what seems to emerge from the public information available is a certain pattern of aggressive self-promotion accompanied by predictably weepy publicity from the usual sources, followed by a fairly rapid flameout.