Monday, August 31, 2020

More Information On The Anglicanorum Coetibus Society Board

My regular correspondent sent me a link to a post on the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society blog from 2018 covering its annual general meeting, which lists other board members as of that time.
At the AGM, we affirmed the re-election of three Board members: David Murphy who is based in Germany but belongs to the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham; Hans-Jurgen Feulner, a liturgical scholar from Austria for participated on the international commission that developed Divine Worship: the Misssal; and Fr. Stephen Hill, a priest from Australia and the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross.

. . . After the AGM, the Board of Directors met, and this year seven of us where there in person. Here is our secretary Christopher Mahon from Toronto, Ontario, and Clara Chung our Vice President from Orange County, California. Beyond them is our treasurer Joe Blake and our editor of Shared Treasure, David Burt.

Here I am holding forth on something, with Bill Tighe, a historian from Mullenburg [sic] College in Allentown Pennsylvania.

Also present were Fr. Eric Bergman, rector of St. Thomas More, our chaplain and our host.

The entry gives seven members there in person, wahrscheinlich aber nicht der Herr Doktor Professor aus Wien, the scholar of English liturgy. We don't know how many others besides the seven are also on the board.

Nevertheless, from my personal experience, if you mention Anglicanorum coetibus to a diocesan priest, the result will be only a quizzical expression.

My regular correspondent reflects on the predicament of David Murphy, the board member from Germany, who although he was reelected in 2018, seems to have faded into obscurity:

Poor Mr Murphy. He did yeoperson’s service gathering news and curating comments on the Ordinariate Expats blog. He had a big vision for the role of the Anglican Use Society as it then was. Contrast with the current reality is marked. He seems to have dropped out of view. Fr Ernie Davis left the OCSP to be reincardinated in the Diocese of Kansas City, where he is a parish pastor.
It's worth pointing out that the Ordinariate Expats blog continues to be an important source for hard information on the history of groups, parishes, and personnel in the North American ordinariate, even though it's no longer maintained. This was the work of one man, which the present committee has been unable to replicate.

Reminds me of a situation long ago in my work history when I was working as a technical writer. However, the company had to load some trucks back in the warehouse, but the truck loaders were all out sick or something. So my boss in the technical writing department lent me to the warehouse to load trucks for the day. At the end of the day, the warehouse supervisor scratched his head and said, "I don't understand it. I normally have three guys to load trucks here. You did as much in one day as three guys normally do."

I don't think I needed to explain that three guys will spend the day smokin' and jokin', where one just does the work without a lot of BS. Not my problem, I went back to the tech department.

Sounds like the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society has something like the same problem. Mullenburg Coillege indeed.