Monday, August 3, 2020

As Far As I Can Tell, Frs Phillips, Catania, And Stainbrook Endorse Calumny

I noticed a recent post from someone named Sean Reed on The Karen Bruce Society's Facebook page:
This just in from our regular correspondent:

It seems in the near future that Karen is likely to find it necessary to register in a certain type of local registry with local law enforcement.

An apparent case of those who were abused becoming abusers themselves later in life.

It’s no wonder how whacked out she is in her blog.

As I've noted here, "Karen Bruce" in the context of that group is a reference to me on this blog, and posts there show my photo from my Blogger profile to make it clear whom they're talking about.

The post from Mr Reed plays games, but it's basically implying that I'm about to become a registered sex offender. (My most recent brush with the law was a 1996 ticket for doing 25 in a 15 mph zone on an Air Force base.)

To claim that someone is, or is eligible to become, a registered sex offender, no matter how cutely you dance around it, is a false assertion intended to damage someone's reputation. "It's just a joke", considering the gravity of the implication, is not an out.

I don't know Mr Reed, so I can't judge his level of maturity, but I'm told that he's a member of the St Barnabas Omaha parish. I'm also told that Fr Catania, the pastor there, is a member of the Karen Bruce group.

I must assume he endorses Mr Reed's calumny. If he doesn't, may I suggest he have Mr Reed in for a chat?

I'm told that two other ordinariate priests, Frs Phillips and Stainbrook, are also members of the Karen Bruce group. I assume that if they continue as members, they endorse calumny, a mortal sin.

What puzzles me is that Fr Phillips in particular has built a public record of covering up for the offenses of James Orr, who, if diocesan policies had been followed, could well have had those offenses reported to the police and actually been required to register as a sex offender, no joke, no cute games involved. I have no idea what this says about Fr Phillips.

I intend no hyperbole in calling Mr Reed's conduct despicable, and insofar as the ordinariate priests endorse it, they're just as bad, and hypocrites.