Sunday, August 16, 2020

Little Apparent Enthusiasm For Bp Lopes's California Visit

For the past week, I've been reading and posting here about stories of Evangelical megachurches in Southern California where thousands of people are willing to risk citations or fines to exercise their natural right to attend services.

In contrast is this remarkable account from my regular correspondent of Bp Lopes's episcopal visits last week to Southern California ordinariate communities. It's not just night and day -- it's alternate universes.

News from the SoCal Ordinariate has been in exceptionally short supply. There was a note signed “Fr Glenn” on the Our Lady of Grace, Covina Facebook page apropos of Bp Lopes’s visit last week, but no follow-up pictures or account, despite the fact that apparently several children were confirmed. I note that the finances of OLG are still handled via St John Henry Newman, Irvine (“make checks out to...”) and the contact phone number on the website is still that of Fr Bartus, although his name is not given. I suppose this is not an ideal time to be trying to get things reorganised at the Covina community. Fr Simington is a little more visible on the SJHN, Irvine Facebook page, as they have been live-streaming their masses from the Busch building patio. Phone number still Fr Bartus’s phone, mailing address a UPS store. Again, things in some understandable disarray, no doubt.

He was at Holy Martyrs Murrieta on August 6, OLG, Covina August 8, and SJHN August 9. There were “Event” postings on the respective FB pages where people could indicate that they were “attending” or “interested,” but no follow-up on any social media that I could find. Respective numbers were HM 18 went, 33 interested; OLG 12 went, 11 interested; SJHN 15 went, 18 interested. Of course not all who attended saw it on FB or bothered to respond there in any event, but numbers are not heartening from the OCSP perspective, one has to think. Fr Bartus’ energy generally dissipated itself in too many projects with too little follow-through, but at least he had some. Things seem very much on hold at the moment.

Last Sunday’s mass with Bp Lopes at SJHN was also the occasion for some First Communions, according to the Facebook event posting. Again, usually one would expect to see some photos posted later.

It's worth noting that during the lockdown and subsequent severe limits on attendance, our novus ordo parish has resurfaced its parking lot -- perfect time for it, huh? -- and is raising funds to renovate the 24-hour adoration chapel. We had a phone message from the pastor last Sunday thanking us for attending mass. It's possible to make lemonade out of lemons even if things in the Catholic world haven't risen to the civil disobedience level.

For instance, ordinary housekeeping issues like phone numbers or bank accounts are apparently being ignored by ordinariate clergy or parish councils, when you'd think they'd have the extra time to look after them.

And it sounds as though Bp Lopes and local clergy are anything but strong leaders.