Saturday, November 7, 2020

The New Blog

The first post on my new blog, In the Shadow of Mt Hollywood, is up. I probably won't be posting further on this blog, and if there are any important developments in the ordinariates, I'll likely post on them there. However, I won't be posting on routine ordinariate issues, personnel, or parish news.

I'm allowing comments on the new blog. Normal rules of courtesy and decorum prevail. I didn't allow comments on this blog simply due to the level of anger connected with Anglicanorum coetibus and the establishment of ordinariates. I recognizee that some angry people may wish to use comments on the new blog to extend controversies that I addressed here.

I request that people not do this and restrict comments on the new blog to the issues addressed in posts there. I'll delete as a matter of policy any comments on the new blog addressed to matters that were covered exclusively here. Otherwise, my moderating policy there will be pretty liberal.

Blogger recently made major changes to its format, and I'm still adjusting to them, as this blog was set up under old Blogger, and new blogs don't work the same way. As a result, the new blog will be "under construction" for some time.