Friday, November 6, 2020

It's Time To Wrap This Blog Up

Over the past six months, the Almighty has been gently but steadily suggesting to me that Anglicanorum coetibus is no longer a good use of my time. Through the life of this project, my unavoidable conclusion has been that this was never an organic development in the Catholic Church. A week ago, a visitor said, "I also don’t see Rome investing new money or any effort into helping [Bp Lopes] out, either. Foot note in history, perhaps."

It occurred to me then that not only was Rome not going to put new money into it, thry never put any money into it at all. Such money as was put into it was via private donations from within the US or via properties and endowments transferred from existing Anglican parishes that went into the ordinariate. That's got to say something about what potential Rome saw in the idea.

Over the past several years, with a new bishop and a new liturgy, the North American ordinariate hasn't grown and appears in fact to be slowly shrinking. The specific instances and the reasons why have been thoroughly reported here, and I don't think there's much more to say.

Oddly, one way the Almighty has spoken to me about this has been via Fr Bengry. Based on remarks on his varioius blogs and web sites, on one hand, it sounds like Fr Perkins has forbidden him to read any posts here, so I'm a little sorry he won't see this. On the other hand, some time ago, he located an archived version of my first blog, which I gave up and deleted about the time I thought the St Mary of the Angels Hollywood parish was going to go into a projected North American ordinariate. Looking for embarrassing material there, he seems to have come away with the impression that I'm a very good writer, and I should be exercising my talents more widely, and he said so on his blog.

This was effective advice, and I thank him for it. I wish Fr Bengry no ill, he has his own row to hoe, and I assume Fr Perkns and Bp Lopes will help him with this, as I hope they will examine their own purposes in life.

I'd like to thank the many visitors who've helped me with information and suggestions, especially my regular correspondent and a well-known academic. This has definitely been your effort as much as mine.

I have a birthday coming up shortly, and that anniversary is a good time to rethink and recalibrate. I expect that what I will do is within the next few days stop posting here, but I'm in the process of setting up a new blog with a new focus, intending to write more fully on some of the issues I've addressed tangentially here. A big reason I'm moving to an entirely new blog is that I want to allow comments on it, and I find that for whatever reason, I can't reset this option on this blog. I decided from the start not to have comments on this one due simply to the likely angry tone they would encourage.

I will leave this blog up as a reference indefinitely for as long as Blogger will allow it, but I won't update it after a last post here. At that time, I'll post a link to the new blog for those who may wish to follow me over there.