Sunday, November 20, 2016

Janzen Traces

It occurred to me that someone (presumably Abp Janzen himself) went to the trouble of writing the entry on his parish blog as a press release -- but absolutely nobody ran it, assuming he sent it out. When I first saw the note of the TAC bishops' meeting, I went to Virtue Online, assuming he'd carry something about it. Nope.

This morning, to double check, I did a Google search on "virtue janzen", but all that came up was this 2010 article:

The former Rector of St. John the Evangelist, Canon Stanley Sinclair, has been expelled from the cathedral and excommunicated from his parish and the Anglican Catholic Church of Canada based in Victoria, BC because he refuses to accept the Pope's offer of unity being promoted by the Traditional Anglican Communion.

Canon Sinclair was summarily dismissed from his post by The The Very Rev. Shane B. Janzen, who accused Canon Sinclair of "sowing discord", and "going behind my back to spread false information, fear and disunity."

In a letter to Sinclair, which VOL has obtained, Shane described himself as "appalled" and said Sinclair was "duplicitous" and accused him of "shredding his ministry, breaking friendship" and that "a clergyman of your years and maturity should have acted differently. I hope the ends justify the means," he said in a final blast at the priest.

Janzen changed his stance, for reasons outlined yesterday by my regular correspondent, and seems not to have objected when the TAC bishops expelled John Hepworth.

But it's remarkable that not even VOL carried the news of Janzen's election as primate. How things have fallen from the days of Hepworth and Moyer.