Sunday, July 3, 2016

Further Note On St Mary The Virgin Arlington

My correspondent adds,
A new pastor for SMV was required because Fr Timothy Perkins is moving to Houston to take over as Vicar General. As you may recall, for the first three years this post was filled by Fr Scott Hurd, who remained in Washington, DC the entire time. Bp Lopes clearly does not regard that arrangement as having worked well for the Ordinariate. The removal of his successor, Fr Chuck Hough III, from the position (at the age of 62) suggests that he wasn't getting the job done either, despite being on the spot.
We don't know why Fr Hurd left his position as vicar general -- I believe it was always meant to be temporary -- although it is thought that he was a member of the Nashotah House clique, and his thumbprints are all over the St Mary of the Angels bungling. His departure was certainly no loss to the Ordinariate.

I also wonder if Fr Perkins's views were sought on the potential merits of his colleagues in the OCSP to fill the position he was leaving.