Saturday, November 21, 2015

More Puzzles

The ad shown here appeared on page 9 of the November 2015 Los Feliz Ledger. There are several puzzles in connection with it. One is that, as I've already noted, there was no announcement of this on the parish web page, which contained no new entries after September of this year. I'm told that at least one group saw this ad, arrived at the specified date and time, but the gates were locked. Nothing ever happened. No cancellation note was to be seen. They all left, disappointed.

Observers saw tables set up in the courtyard late the night before, certainly in anticipation of something, but as my informant puts it, "then it all went away." The cost of a "full choir and orchestra", including rehearsal time, would be substantial; a knowledgeable party puts it somewhere in the four figures, as well as the cost of the ad. (The ad, of course, is one indication that Ms Cohen's favorable treatment of Mrs Bush does not go unrewarded.)

This for a group that had lost its tenant and had no income -- but wait, there's more! It appears that the squatter group took out a mortgage for $575,000, I gather in late 2014, after the appeals court had already ruled in favor of the rector, wardens, and vestry. And this when they still had an income over $20,000 a month. Where was this money going?

The aborted choral evensong must have cost money, too. If tables had been set up in anticipation of the event just the night before, it's hard to avoid thinking some money had been spent before the thing went poof. Where did this money come from?

It sounds as if the vestry's legal team is aware of these issues. As I've already said, Mrs Bush's family really needs to get involved, as this is not likely to end well for her.