Friday, March 27, 2015

So What If I Wanted To Hear Andrew Bartus Celebrate Mass?

I'd be utterly delighted if someone, reading this blog, said, "Wow, this guy Bruce sure has a bee in his bonnet about some Ordinariate priest named Bartus. Hey, I don't live all that far away -- why don't I pop over to that Newman mission and hear what's happenin'?"

Easier said than done. I googled "'bl john henry newman' church california", and the first hit I got was The Parish of Bl John Henry Newman, an extremely well-done site, but, I fear, a Latin Mass parish in Melbourne, Australia. I skipped the Wikipedia entry for Newman himself and then found a Facebook page for John Henry Newman Catholic Church in Fullerton, CA. Well, there's a map, but nothing else -- hey, when does this guy Bartus show up and do his thing? A link, only partly visible on the Facebook page, takes me to another web page with a pretty picture of a thurible being swung.

When I click on Welcome, which I have to do if I want to see more than a thurible, I get another page with more pretty pictures and nothing else. The Holy Spirit, I discover, must eventually inspire me to click on one or another pretty picture to get more information -- the one I eventually find on mass, after several experiments that remind me of Minesweeper, gives times, but no location. Again, the Holy Spirit must move me to click again on Location at the top of the Mass page. There's also a garbled sentence on the Mass page: "Any Catholic in good standing is welcome to receive communion with us; those who are not are invited to attend and come forward to receive a priestly blessing." Er, those who are not what?

St Augustine had an easier time when the child sang "Take up and read". This is a made member of the Episcopal Diocese of Ft Worth clique. Handsome is as handsome does.