Wednesday, July 29, 2020

There's A Karen Bruce Society on Facebook!

The Urban Dictionary defines Karen as
The stereotypical name associated with rude, obnoxious and insufferable middle aged white women.

Karens take everything wrong with the typical over entitled western woman and crank it up by several thousand percent. They are a mutated subspecies that descends from the Soccer Mom, and have many of their traits. Such as a short temper, a crown bowl haircut, an unnecessarily large SUV to take her kids to soccer practice and be a menace on the road, etc etc. But Karens have developed their own unique characteristics /antics as well. Including but not limited to;

Reveling in making the life or retail workers a living hell by constantly making a scene over nothing and demanding to "speak to the manager" (a near universal battle cry among Karens).

There's now a Facebook group for the Kareen Bruce society, which takes the position that I'm a Karen. My regular correspondent points out that even if I were to demand to speak to the manager in Houston, they probably couldn't find the guy, so I'm not sure how well the parallel holds up.

My regular correspondent notes,

A recent creation from July 21—Christian Clay Columba Campbell looks like the ringleader—but lots of v angry people out there getting on board.

All quite sophomoric, of course. There are 29 members of the KB Society, including Frs Phillips, Catania, and Stainbrook. Do you want to know more, or do you have your own bot? In any event, a reliable indicator that your blog is hitting a sore spot. Of course human nature abhors a news vacuum, and Houston and its supporters have only themselves to blame for leaving the job of OCSP communication in your hands. The Ordinariate News is a more positive response than this FB page but it is a feeble, minimalist effort which has failed to attract any significant content. Mr Campbell is as you know SSPX and often makes snarky remarks about the OCSP on other fora. But he is loyal to some of the clergy you have exposed. The membership list/comments are quite weighted towards St Barnabas, Omaha, and the only three women members of the FB group are parishioners there

There’s no such thing as bad publicity.

Actually, my psychological makeup -- a certain resilience resulting from being a bit of a family "scapegoat", which formed a predisposition to blurt at inconvenient times -- has fostered a tendency to be this way since junior high school. (You can imagine.) In a different context, people on model train forums call me the "Unabrucie" for an essay I wrote. The Karen Bruce Society is free to adopt the name if they like.