Monday, July 20, 2020

A Celebration Of The Bishop's Visit To Paris On The Prairie

My regular correspondent tells me that there's a movement afoot to have the Anglicanroum Coetibus Society put out a newsletter containing updates on the North American ordinariate, since although this is what people in the chancery are paid to do, they aren't doing it, and people are left with no option but to go to The Blog That Shall Not Be Named, viz, this one, for news. Well, this effort has been doing on for nearly eight years, much longer than I intended, and it can't go on forever. If people can put out something useful, great.

My regular correspondent did send me an image from this new newsletter covering Bp Lopes's visit to St Barnabas Omaha (click on the image for a larger copy):

The comment:
Thought you might enjoy this account of Bp Lopes’ visit. The description of his sermon as “graciously” delivered, the image of Bp Lopes “on the throne,” and of course, the reception in the Pariah House (sic) with its interesting combination of “southwest cuisine and Patrimonial refreshments” washed down by “delicate drink” certainly brightened my morning. Glad to see that this semi-official production (the recently-launched Anglicanorum Coetibus Society weekly newsletter) maintains the standards we have come to expect from the ordinbnariate. Note the “errata slip” at the bottom here re last Sunday’s newsletter.

This is the publication whose advent was hailed by Mr Guivens as an alternative to your blog as a source of Ordinariate information. I wouldn’t worry about the competition just yet.

I can attest that careful proofreading is a key element in being taken seriously, and this requires quite a bit of focus and effort. It's easy to think you've typed what you meant to type, and spellcheck is unreliable. I proofread every post here several times in preview before I publish, but almost every day something slips through that I have to catch later in the day. Folks, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to up your game.

I don't know if there are good community college courses in how to write any more. I see that the Rutgers English Department plans to deemphasize the traditional rules of English grammar in sympathy with Black Lives Matter, so there's an option you don't have. But somebody needs to study more about how to write if they want that post to be taken seriously.

Beyond that, with everything else that's going on in the world these days, the news that St Barnabas had a full cast of servers for the bishop's visit seems awfully inward-looking and provincial. The Nantes cathedral has been torched, statues of the Virgin are defaced, there's graffiti on Catholic churches all over the US, but don't be afraid -- Bp Lopes has gone to Omaha with his faithful chancellor J Henry, and there were patrimonial refreshments.

UPDATE: My regular correspondent reports,

Apparently “the [Ordinariate News] file was updated with some minor corrections” this morning -- but the reception is still described as having taken place in the Pariah House! Remember, Spellcheck is not always your friend.