Saturday, December 28, 2019

How Many Other Ordinariate Masses Are On YouTube?

I've got to say the YouTube of the Christmas mass at Incarnation Orlando that I linked yesterday, with 25 attending, was dispiriting. One question that came up for me overnight was, if this was the third mass of the day, were the others recorded? Might one of the other two have given a better impression? Or were they all about the same? Who knows?

UPDATE: My regular correspondent says,

I think that the video from Incarnation, Orlando was not the third mass of the day, but the third mass (of Christmas) in the day. In other words, there was probably a mass Christmas Eve, an early morning mass “of the dawn,” and this mass “of the day.”
But in terms of overall size, Incarnation is a full parish and we must presume one of the dozen or so brightest spots in the North American ordinariate.

But that's making me recalibrate one of my assumptions, that diocesan bishops might see competition from ordinariate parishes seeking to poach cradle Catholics. I can't seriously see this happening in Orlando or San Antonio. The DW liturgy, clumsily handled by a mediocre priest, is clearly something dreary. Nobody is going to be drawn to it as something positive, and as my wife commented, the somewhat desultorily emended Rite One at St Thomas Episcopal Hollywood, celebrated ad orientem, moves along, is in fact attractive, and is nothing like the monstrosity in Orlando.

Perhaps Bp Lopes could dispatch an observer to see how the Anglo-Catholics actually do things there and learn a few lessons. But then, he could as easily seek out a reverent OF mass closer to home that gets hundreds out of mass in an hour and draw some lessons there, too.

So I'd be interested if visitors can send me links to other YouTubes of ordinariate masses at other parishes. In addition to giving an idea of how they're celebrated, how long they take, the music, and the general atmosphere, it's also worthwhile just to get a count of attendance. I'll post links to intriguing examples here if visitors find them.