Friday, November 8, 2019

More On The Divine Worship Missal's Status

In yesterday's post, i noted that the Divine Worship Missal is out of print. However, the post linked to a listing of several other editions that are still available, here. The editions available have the requisite text, but they are not the altar version, which lies flat and has type large enough to read standing at a distance.

The clergy reference version, for instance, is described as "A new, smaller-sized ritual edition of the Divine Worship Missal, useful for reference and liturgical planning". This might be kept in the rectory or parish office (that is, if there is in fact a rectory or parish office), rather than the sacristy, and it would not have type suitable for actually celebrating the mass.

The out of print status of the altar version does present a clear obstacle to continued "growth" of the North American ordinariate. My regular correspondent told me,

The person complaining about the altar missal being out of print on the Anglican Ordinariate Forum Facebook page said that the type was too small for the priest they had lined up to use it as an altar missal.
So if you're just Joe Blow and want to get an ordinariate group together, good luck finding a missal from which the priest can celebrate. So where did the Church of the Presentation at The Woodlands get their altar missal? Again, it sounds like if you're Joe Blow, you'd better have some pretty strong reading glasses. If you rate well enough to get a McMansion for your wife and beautiful children, well, I'm sure Fr Perkins can come up with something for you.

UPDATE: My regular correspondent sent me this screen shot of the Facebook post in question:

The odd thing is how little evidence there seems to be that Houston has any interest in helping out with this!