Saturday, April 6, 2019

"Just Because They're. . . Facing Ad Orientem. . ."

Church Militant takes what they acknowledge is a new tack on Opus Dei in yesterday's Download:

They don't come out against it, to be sure, but their approach is remarkably even-handed. More important, I think, is the comment from Simon Rafe at about 5:10;
Just because they're wearing lace and saying the Tridentine mass and facing ad orientem and -- the devotion and rosary stuff -- doesn't mean it's immune to the kind of corruption and filth that's in there. . .
Rafe introduces the discussion by making the point that no one at Church Militant is now, or has ever been, a member of Opus Dei. I've seen allegations to the contrary now and then, but I assume Rafe is correct here.

A comment that's made in the discussion is that while Opus Dei bases itself on a call to holiness in everyday life, this is simply what all Catholics in all stations are called to, and it's essentially no different from the call that others like St Therese of Lisieux have made.

However, the major focus is on Fr C John McCloskey, whose case isn't new and which has already been discussed here. But a passing mention is made of Bp Steven Lopes, with the assumption that he's one of the good guys due to his belated statement that "everyone knew" about McCarrick.

I've already tried to alert them on that one.