Sunday, July 15, 2018

The St Joseph of Arimathea Model?

The other day I asked what would happen to the St Joseph of Arimathea OCSP group that meets at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Indianapolis, now that its former priest will have an inmate number in state prison. This parish is known as the Italian parish in Indianapolis, as well as the home for the Extraordinary Form mass there. Before Luke Reese's departure, there was a daily DW mass, but this has been discontinued.

There is a DW mass at 8:00 AM Sundays, but unlike the OF and EF Sunday masses, it is apparently said, not sung. (UPDATE: The parish website and the bulletin differ from each other here.) I've heard that the archdiocese has provided a new associate to replace Reese, but he is not listed on the parish's staff page. It seems unlikely that the OCSP can replace Reese with its own priest, since its married priests are not redeployable, and I assume that the pledges from the St Joseph of Arimathea group do not support a normal stipend in any case.

So for the foreseeable future, Fr McCarthy, the pastor at Most Holy Rosary, or a diocesan associate, will be saying the DW mass at 8:00 AM Sundays. I'm not sure how this differs from the 8:00 AM Spanish mass in a great many parishes all over the country and why a special prelature is needed for it. Not long ago, a visitor familiar with this particular parish remarked,

I think it is similar to one of the key problems with the concept of the ordinariate in the United States. These people are not culturally Anglican. They are American English speakers who fancy worshiping in a style that frankly looks foreign to any Roman Catholic who grew up as a Catholic. It's the ordinariate's desire for self-ghettoization, they don't want to worship as Catholics but they want to be recognized as such.

These are people who turn their noses up at the Ordinary Form in English (which while sad and bare boned has its origins in the Mass of Trent), but lavish high praise on the Book of Divine Worship, which is a quaint creation (but entirely not born from any discernible Catholic sources). These are folks who think most current priests and Bishops are absolutely horrible if not "diabolical" in some circles, but they want to pray in a fashion created by Cranmer with prayers populated by Laud.

We're also back to TEC Fr David Miller's brilliant summation in my confirmation class that Anglo-Catholics are people who want to have the prestige of calling themselves Catholic without paying the dues real Catholics have to pay. Thinking of the new example provided by Luke Reese, here's at least one OCSP priest who was so intent on gaining the prestige and power that come from being a Catholic priest that he was willing to jump through all kinds of hoops to get them, suitable for the job or not.

There are others like him out there, and this should give the CDF, the USCCB, abd the CCCB pause.