Saturday, January 28, 2017

Mars Needs Women!

A visitor took exception to a recent post:
Now then, what do you mean you never had the opportunity to join the Ordinariate?

FILL OUT THIS FORM and you’re in! I’m sure you have several “qualifiers.”

I love the way that it goes through all the pedigree stuff and then at the end simply says, basically, if all else fails you can still register as a parishioner anyway so come on. After all, “Mars needs women,” as they say.

This reminds me of my late mother's lifelong but unfulfilled ambition to qualify as a Daughter of the American Revolution. Does anyone know if you need to qualify in some way to become a "member" of Ukrainian or Melkite Catholicism?

Or do Ordinariate members get a sword, cape, and hat with a plume?

UPDATE: My regular correspondent sends me a link to this site:


What is the procedure one must follow to become a member of the Melkite Catholic Church? I really feel blessed to be able to attend such a wonderful church in Atlanta. Thank you so much for your help.

Bishop John’s Answer:

Please realize that there really is no need to obtain a “change of rite” in order to be a full-time parishioner. The beauty of all the Traditions of the Eastern and Latin Catholic Churches are a common patrimony and heritage belonging equally to all Catholics. Should there be some need in the future to obtain a canonical transfer, the procedure is facilitated by the parish priest who could help you with the details. Basically it involves a formal petition on your part. This is forwarded to the Melkite Bishop. The Chancery then seeks the opinion/consent of the Latin Bishop. If both Bishops are in agreement, the “transfer” is granted, signed by the petitioner in the presence of witnesses and entered into the registry of the Melkite parish.

It sounds like all these distinctions are sort of fuzzy. But in any case, it doesn't appear that the Eastern Rite churches ask you to fill out an application form, nor to get a reference from Uncle Vlad or something. On the other hand, maybe I wouldn't get a sword, cape, or hat with a plume. i'm scratching my head about this Ordinariate membership business.