Friday, May 20, 2016

Churning In Office Of Chancellor

My regular correspondent noted that I seemed in recent posts to assume Fr Ken Wolfe is Chancellor of the US-Canadian Ordinariate:
Were you suggesting that Fr Wolfe is the Chancellor? He is in charge of Child and Youth Protection. Laurie Miller, the bishop's PA, is listed as the Chancellor. Msgr Steenson had appointed Fr Benedict Soule, O.P. to the position of Judicial Vicar but in fact, since he is not incardinated in the OCSP and could therefore not sit on the Governing Council this was not a workable appointment and he is now acting in an advisory capacity to Bp Lopes, who is handling the responsibilities of Judicial Vicar. So there is no legal expert on the OCSP staff.
However, as I noted in July 2015, the June 2015 Ordinariate Observer carried this announcement of Fr Wolfe's ordination:
At the ordination it was announced that Fr. Wolfe, an attorney, will serve as the Chancellor of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. He will work from Tucson with periodic trips to Houston.
Apparently the office of Judicial Vicar deals with canon law and is, or may be, separate from the office of Chancellor. But if Fr Wolfe is no longer Chancellor, I'm not sure if this was ever announced. Whatever the cause, it doesn't seem as though a competent person in Houston did any effective review of the St Thomas More plan to reopen the Guild Store.

And naturally, if personnel churning continually takes place, with responsibilities never clearly defined among staff, this is a failure of leadership. So far, this doesn't seem to be changing under Bp Lopes.

UPDATE: My correspondent replies,

The announcement of Fr Wolfe's appointment as Chancellor was in the previous edition of the OO, the "double issue" identified as Vol I 2&3 although it was actually 3&4. This is the issue you link to in the July 2015 post. In volume II no 1 linked to today's post we have the appointment of Fr Soule, working closely with Margaret Chalmers the "first Chancellor," but he is not explicitly identified as the new Chancellor. The issue also describes Fr Wolfe's responsibilities in the Safe Environment program. Looking at these issues, with their chaotic layout and multiplicity of fonts, (not to mention the misinformation, but that is less readily apparent), must be an embarrassment for the current administration. No wonder they are so hard to access from the OCSP site.
I'm not sure what's changed since Bp Lopes's appointment.