Sunday, February 17, 2013

Connors Lasted Four Years as Rector Of St Mark's, Portland OR

According to the parish, from January 1998 to December 2001. However, during that time, he resigned as Bishop of the West amid controversy at the 1999 dicocesan synod. I suspect he was no more popular as a rector than he was as a bishop.

But then we have a "peculier" situation: Connors, shorn of both his see and his cure, remained in Portland and was involved in starting a new mission, St Francis Portland, OR. This was in effect in direct competition with the existing St Mark's parish -- even McDonald's doesn't set up franchises that compete directly with each other in a particular territory, but the ACA, thin on the ground to say the least, apparently saw no problem in this. (I wouldn't be surprised if this contributed to St Mark's eventual decision to leave the ACA, although that finally occurred during a dispute with Bishop Williams over Anglicanorum coetibus.) I suspect it wasn't a coincidence that St Francis Portland had the same patron as Connors's old parish, St Francis Spartanburg.

And St Francis Portland was a "peculier", directly under the Primate and not a member of the ACA Diocese of the West. Again, I suspect this was because Connors and Falk went back a long way, and Falk was going to allow St Francis Portland to poach another ACA parish if it meant favoring Connors. An e-mail to St Francis Portland, now in the ACA DOW, asking for the dates Connors was rector or priest-in-charge, has so far gone unanswered. I'm told that Connors eventually returned to Spartanburg.

Connors, without a cure and without a see, resurfaces in name as a "bishop" who had sent his "apologies" at the Portsmouth meeting in 2007. He appears in the 2008 TAC Directory as "Bishop Missioner" of "The Continuing Anglican Church of Zambia", which I strongly suspect was a sinecure in the literal sense. His address at that time was Charlotte, NC.

It looks to me as though Louis Falk's thumbprints are all over this guy's career. I will appreciate any further information anyone may have on the Rt Rev Robin Connors.