Sunday, October 20, 2019

Why Isn't This Dog Barking?

I acknowledge I'm somewhere well below amateur level at reading Vatican tea leaves, but the leading English-speaking interpreter of St John Henry Newman is now Bp Barron. He has two YouTubes out in the past week on this subject:

But then he left Rome for the UK, where he's so far produced further episodes at the graves of C S Lewis, J R R Tolkien, and Winston Churchill. My goodness, what a wonderful opportunity to present Anglicanorum coetibus and the precious treasures of the Anglican spiritual patrimony to the English-speaking world, huh? Well, so far, it looks as though that task has still been left to Mrs Gyapong and the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society.

Perhaps we'll soon see Mrs Gyapong herself on YouTube correcting this enormous oversight. But then, er, where's Bp Steven Lopes? He's been in Rome, and there's a tour with some ordinariate members there as well for the canonization, but as far as I can see, he's had no public presence and has made no public statements. In fact, I would guess that, unlike Bp Barron, Bp Lopes has no particular knowledge of Newman and has no meaningful observation to make.

And his most favored priests are corrupt also-rans living with wives and families in million-dollar McMansions.

Somehow I can't imagine this has escaped the attention of the USCCB, which seems to have decided that Bp Barron, a telegenic masculine solid moderate, is the best public face for AmChurch, with Bp Lopes apparently kept off in some sort of closet somewhere. I suspect he knows the best course is to stay out of the public eye and quietly limit the ad orientem and Latinizing camp to his little flock.