Saturday, February 23, 2019

Is McCarrick A Guy Burgess?

Michael Voris raised an intriguing issue in this report from the Vatican sex summit:
Through a back channel, Church Militant has obtained information from former Communist personnel who were instrumental in setting up a secret network of indoctrination and training centers throughout Europe in the aftermath of World War II, and their information directly implicates the involvement of Theodore McCarrick.

, , , According to Church Militant's sources, one of those European centers was St. Gallen, Switzerland, where Theodore McCarrick had resided right about 1950. McCarrick was a poor kid whose father had died when he was very young and whose mother slaved away doing menial work to make ends meet.

In a 2001 New York Times profile, McCarrick spoke briefly about his time in Europe immediately following high school in New York City, a hotbed of the Communist Party USA at that time.

Admitting he didn't have any plans for his life at the time, he says "a friend" invited him to Switzerland where he stayed for a year. He gave no details about how a poor kid from New York with no money happened to travel to Europe and remain here for a year with no visible means of support.

I ran this by a visitor with some intelligence knowledge, the same one who made a good case for Cardinal Law's father being an intelligence operative in Latin America and the Caribbean. He said,
Voris' talk of Vatican and Church infiltration by communists with a master plan has been a constant with the 'Fatima crusade' and to me always sounded like UFO sightings material.
On one hand, I would say that it isn't necessary to explain the state of the Church by referring to Stalinist conspiracies. Whether it's heretics, or the gays who've always been present, or Protestants, or Freemasons, or plain old corruption, the problems have always been there. On the other hand, as I understand exorcism, it's important to get the demon to give his name.

I assume the files are available now for investigation in the Kremlin. We have Venona material that's validated the status of figures like Alger Hiss. I don't have the impression that the history of KGB infiltration in the Church has been investigated at the level of scholarly detail that's been applied, say, to the Cambridge spy ring, so I would say at this point it can't be definitively confirmed or denied.

Randy Engel has thoughtful remarks on the role of homosexuality in such conspiracies in The Rite of Sodomy:

The personality profile of a homosexual closely fits Westerfields’ personality profile of a traitor—he is immature, neurotic, and narcissistic. The active homosexual is an artful seducer, a natural recruiter and a proselytizer for “the cause.” He is a predator skilled in evaluating the vulnerability of his prey. He is conditioned to acts of duplicity and split loyalties. He lives a compartmentalized life with contacts to the criminal underworld via illicit drugs, pornography, prostitution, and possible blackmail and violence. The homosexual is a gatherer of “injustices” and Marxism offers him “the attraction of a secret shrine of individual rebellion.” It is this desire to strike back against a society that has rejected him, rather than the threat of blackmail that lures the homosexual into the enemy’s espionage net. The homosexual believes himself to be an “outsider,” who like the spy, wants to come in from the cold, but feels he cannot. (p 298)