Friday, January 4, 2019

What Is It With Taylor Marshall?

Around the time I expanded the scope of this blog, I put Taylor Marshall's site on my blogroll. Unfortunately, I'm leaning toward taking it off. My problem is that, in contrast to Church Militant, Ascension Presents, Bp Barron, and others, it's simply not a professional effort. The discussions appear not to be scripted, and they're halting and desultory.

Beyond that, Marshall usually appears with interlocutors of one or another sort, and I'm often not sure what the point of these guys is. One looks for all the world like Frank Zappa. The one today looks, I gotta say it, like Oscar Wilde, the same luxuriant hair, bedroom gaze, and rosebud lips. I'm not sure what his name is, and that's part of the problem.

He interviews James Grein, a McCarrick victim/survivor. This is sad, because Grein isn't well-spoken, and his story is halting and disorganized. This drives me away; I'm not sure what it does to other viewers.

Wouldn't it be much easier, at least on the reader/viewer, to give an introduction to who Grein is, exactly how he encountered McCarrick, under what circumstances and when, and what his outcome was? The poor guy is so poorly spoken that I've got to wonder if his encounter left him permanently damaged in some way. Instead, we've got the same annoying experience as having to follow a stutterer's narrative, but without explanation as to why we should.

This is why YouTubers need a script. Marshall hasn't gotten that message. He seems happy just to have his face out there, an ego-tripper like, I fear, many in the current crop of ex-Anglicans. I imagine that sometime in coming days there'll be a last-straw event, and I'll take his name off my blogroll.

Serious Catholics concerned about the crisis in the Church deserve better. Maybe I'll replace him with Fr Goring.