Saturday, March 12, 2016

I Have Three Takeaways

from the accounts I had from priests who'd worked with Steenson and Hurd during the Hollywood troubles of 2012. The first is that Steenson, behind the bland and uninspiring public persona, is actually a pretty nasty guy. Hurd, though probably not Mr Congeniality himself, was probably just doing as he was told by Steenson.

The second is how surprisingly closely Steenson and Hurd worked with Strawn, Morello, and the Bush group, in particular, as yesterday's account shows, not to allow anyone to dispute the character assassination that was being done against Fr Kelley on the blogs. Morello, recall, was claiming that as soon as he got the full story, he was going to send it all to the district attorney. This never happened, and judges repeatedly ruled that no improprieties had been shown by the Bush-ACA group. Clearly Steenson and Hurd nevertheless felt it was to their advantage to prevent the Morello story from being disputed, insofar as it was in their power.

The third, and this strikes me as the most astonishing, is that it looks like both of the priests were manipulated into thinking that if they stayed with the program, they had a realistic chance of being ordained in the OCSP. One of them was, at Steenson's and Hurd's specific instruction, saying Anglican mass for the Bush group after they'd removed themselves from the parish majority (which majority was the one that voted to enter the Ordinariate). Typical honorarium for an Anglican supply priest is $200 per mass, plus mileage. Knowing Mrs Bush, I doubt if this poor guy got even that for his trouble, and I very much doubt that Steenson or Hurd reminded her of an honorarium or anything like that.

I strongly suspect that neither Steenson nor Hurd had any intention of ordaining either one, ever.