Wednesday, October 14, 2020

So, Have The Illuminati Decided COVID Is No Longer A Thing?

On March 11, the deeply compromised World Health Organization declared COVID a "pandemic", the same term applied to the 1918 Spanish flu. Within days, world governments began declaring lockdowns. On October 11, the WHO officially discouraged lockdowns as a primary COVID control policy.

Whoever it is that actually runs the planet -- the Illuminati, the Bilderbergs, the lizard people, or whoever else -- may be knuckling under. On Monday, the New York Times announced that COVID measures were proving remarkably successful, and the disease would be disappearing far sooner than anticipated.

Rush Limbaugh's reaction echoed mine. From the transcript of yesterday's show:

Now today we have another story. Ready for this? “New York Times: Experts Confident Pandemic To Be Over ‘Far Sooner’ Than Expected, Trump Efforts ‘Working With Remarkable Efficiency.”

. . . Now, something is behind this, folks. Something is behind this. I think part of it is that there must be polling because everything in major political party politics, especially the Democrats, is done bouncing off of or reacting to polling.

. . . Three weeks ago from the election, World Health Organization now admits what everybody’s known, lockdowns are counterproductive and do great damage, are not necessary. And experts — New York Times! — express confidence that the pandemic is gonna be over far sooner.

Well, for one thing, the New York Times and the World Health Organization, which means the global left is trying to take these issues off the table one way or another. If the pandemic is gonna be over soon, it means that we don’t need to have crisis after crisis-related policies regarding it. If we’re defeating it, if it’s naturally fading away on its own faster than anybody knew, great news. And if we don’t need to lockdown, the only reason these two things are happening is something is hurting Joe Biden out there. Something is hurting the Democrat campaign, the overall Democrat position here.

Now, you would think three weeks into the election that the stories would be the exact opposite. Pandemic racing, pandemic worsening, Trump administration horrible at dealing with it. You would think, likewise, that the World Health Organization would be doubling down on lockdowns because the pandemic is so bad, it’s so damaging, it’s so out of control. But it’s the exact opposite. They’ve gotta have some polling data.

One thing I've noticed about current electoral punditry -- and I completely discount corporate media or the National Review -- is that even the more edgy social media commentary is ignoring COVID lockdown resentment as a driving factor. But look at the states where COVID rebellions have been most prominent -- say, Michigan, which since the days of the Owosso barber last spring has been at the center of national attention.

Oh, by the way, the Michigan senate race, with a Republican challenging the incumbent Democrat, is dead even.

Wisconsin, another state where COVID lockdowns have been overturned, was flipped by Republicans in 2016 and is likely to flip again in November.

And absolutely nobody has mentionied California, which won't go for Trump electorally, but there are a number of House districts the Republicans intend to flip. The bellweather is the 25th district, which had a special election in May that was rated a tossup, but which the Republican comfortably won.

(That was the first where the Democrats tried to implement mail-in ballots. The trouble was that Republicans mailed in ballots as well. The Democrats initially planned to delay the count and contest the election, but the margin from Republican mail-ins was so great that the Democrat conceded instead.)

Oh, by the way, that district sends churchgoers to both Godspeak Calvary Chapel and Grace Community Church. The 28th district, where a Republican is mounting an upset campaign against Adam Schiff, sends worshipers there, as well as to Harvest Rock Church. Nobody, but nobody, has covered California in this November election cycle.

As far as I can tell, the media polls voter sentiment on COVID lockdowns in the broad category of "health care issues", which I think is a gross miscalculation. COVID, lockdowns, and compulsory masks seem to be an issue that hasn't been publicly addressed -- but the Bilderbergs may finally have this one figured out. Except that three weeks before the election, it's too late to turn that ship.