Sunday, June 21, 2020

New Controversy At Our Lady Of The Atonement!

As I've said here more than once, Our Lady of the Atonement San Antonio reminds me more of a Medieval Times franchise than a church (and should the property need to be sold, that's what it ought to become), so I have no position on this question. However, a visitor gave me a heads-up that Fr. Lewis has a plan to rearrange the altars there, and as one might expect, there is murmuring.

My regular correspondent has found posts on Facebook groups, as well as a copy of Fr Lewis's June 18 letter to the parish (click on the image for a larger copy):

While I take no position on this, it does sound reasonable, except to the point that it refers to projected developments at the new building, which strikes me as possibly too optimistic.

My regular correspondent sent me a link to a description of the now-to-be-sidelined triptych. This goes on for thousands of words. My regular correspondent says,

Anyway, word on the street is that Fr Lewis was never a fan, and you can see that it would not be easy to ignore. Does the figure of Christ in a papal tiara bear a passing resemblance to the young Fr Phillips?

De gustibus, of course, but personally I think the Lady Altar is the far handsomer and more impressive piece of furniture. It is also in a more traditional style than the triptych. Fr Lewis says that the work will be done by volunteers and expense will be inconsiderable. Of course there is always resistance to change, even change for the better, but apart from that this seems to be just an aesthetic decision with no liturgical politics behind it and no major cost to the parish.