Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hillsdale College Free On Line Symposium On COVID Public Policy

I've followed a number of the free on line courses Hillsdale College has provided over the past several years on topics like US history and English literature. As someone who did hard time in a graduate English department, I would say that the lectures on English Lit in that particular course are among the best I've seen. I have a sense that others are comparable. My estimate is that the undergraduate education at Hillsdale is probably of much better quality than what I received at elite institutions in the 1960s and 70s.

Hillsdale has made available what I think is a rigorous free on line symposium, consisting of several video presentations by qualified commentators. I think the issues surrounding COVID lockdowns that have been imposed in many countries are probably among the most important in the last several generations. They have an impact on religious freedom and other natural rights. For those who wish to stay informed on these issues, I recommend this symposium very highly.