Saturday, February 22, 2020

Update On St Gregory Stoneham, MA

A visitor has sent me a screen shot of a post on the Anglican Ordinariate Informal Conversation Facebook group that clarifies the situation in Stoneham, MA (Click on the image for a larger copy):
In my last post, of course, I was completely clear in saying that I didn't know how recent Bp Uglietto's decision was, and whatever Mr Covert tries to say, if the decision was made by Uglietto in 2015, there has nevertheless been no change in the situation, and it's plain that if Mr Covert has received no reply to his letter from last Christmas, there will be no change in the foreseeable future.

In fact, Mr Covert in his post also takes the long way around in saying that whatever the appeal of the DW mass and the cachet of exclusive membership in the ordinariate, it ain't worth the drive, and it would seem that this message hasn't been lost on either the archdiocese or Houston. He reveals in his explanation that the situation might have changed had the group tripled its attendance, but his implication is that this hasn't occurred. He'a also taking the long way around to say the ordinariate needs no outside detractors if this is the case.

My regular correspondent comments,

The Ordinariate model was supposed to offer the “Anglican Use” greater stability by protecting it from the whims of local diocesans, but as we can see, while this is true for self-sustaining full parishes, most smaller groups remain dependent on the goodwill of a local bishop. This story also underlines the scarcity of the OCSP’s resources; had Fr Simington been welcome in the Archdiocese of Boston, he would not have gone to Rochester and St Alban’s would have remained without a priest until who knows when.