Saturday, August 31, 2019

Cahenslyite Holiday Picnic!

As we've been seeing, the point of the 19th-century error promoted by Peter Paul Cahensly was that European nationalities who emigrated to the US would each require separate ethnic Catholic parishes, with separate hierarchies of priests and bishops, in order to retain the precious treasures of each country's spiritual patrimony. I'm having a harder and harder time understanding how Anglicanorum coetibus isn't just a reboot of this bad idea.

My regular correspondent has sent me a link to this post at the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society blog:

Almost every year since I joined Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ottawa, our parish has celebrated a picnic, usually in August. This year we held it after Mass on Aug. 25. It is one of our traditions such as our Thanksgiving and Epiphany Dinners, our Mothering Sunday high tea after Mass and our joint Eucharistic Procession on Corpus Christi. That’s to say nothing of our weekly lunch after Mass.
My regular correspondent motes,
Just some pictures of a pleasant parish picnic, but I couldn’t help noticing that a couple in the first and fourth pictures is described as “[s]etting the style in true patrimonial fashion.” I’m not sure what the “style” in question is—-possibly they were channelling Lady Chatterley and the gamekeeper—-but the implication that a fancy get-up is a) English and consequently b) patrimonial sums up everything that is wrong with AC.
So we're conflating incredibly superficial -- and indeed, pretty phony -- manifestations of nostalgic English culture (as remembered wistfully from Ottawa) with an Anglican spiritual patrimony. The Church has set up a separate system of parishes and a separate hierarchy to accommodate this. Sounds like a Cahenslyite dream to me.

The only good part, as I've said here many times, is how few people buy into this. Mrs Gyapong needs to get a life.