Friday, June 7, 2019

Finding Fr Barbour

In yesterday's post, I was at best uncertain about whether the Newman group in Irvine, CA mentions Fr Barbour at all on its website or Facebook page. After some searching, my regular correspondent in fact came up with two mentions, an initial Facebook announcement on May 12, 2018 (below)

And a picture on Facebook of Fr Barbour celebrating the 9 AM in Irvine on Palm Sunday 2019.

Let's get this straight. Fr Barbour is a star. If you search for him on YouTube, there are pages of hits, including an appearance with Bp Barron. I simply don't know if Fr Barbour is in Irvine every Sunday or not, but he's a remarkably eloquent and engaging speaker.

  • Why wouldn't the Newman group make a special point of his presence, especially if it's every week? Instead, there's near total radio silence.
  • Beyond that, if Fr Barbour is available on Sunday mornings, why is he at the 9 AM mass, which has no choral music, instead of the 11 AM high mass?
  • If Fr Barbour is showing his favor to the North American ordinariate in this way, why on earth isn't it acknowledged by Houston, at least in the Ordinariate Observer?
My regular correspondent points out,
[T]he names of ANY clergy are conspicuous by their absence on the websites of Newman, Holy Martyrs, Our Lady of Grace, and the new website of St Augustine, San Diego. I have looked at many hundreds of church websites in my time and a "Staff" and/or "Clergy" page is a standard feature, often with picture(s) and a bio or bios, phone numbers and email addresses. The new St Augustine website has two pictures of Fr Baaten illustrating "Becoming Catholic" and "Evangelism and Devotion" but he is not identified (his name and contact info appeared on the old site). It's like a franchise, I guess: Look for SoCal Ordinariate, don't worry about the individual owner.
The theory I have, knowing Fr Bartus personally, is that he's a guy who works through back channels, not in the open. It reminds me of mediocre bosses I had when I was working, who were basically terrified that a subordinate might outshine them and bypass them in their careers, so they were careful to keep the spotlight off everyone. So basically, the important thing is that Bartus is saying what needs to be said to Fr Perkins and Bp Lopes, and nothing else is all that important.

Including keeping the spotlight off Fr Barbour and using him as a supply priest at the 9 AM mass.

Might a priest with just ordinary skills make more of a success at the Newman group? just asking.