Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Realistic Use For The BCP

A visitor sent me a link to an intriguing article at US Catholic by a cradle Catholic who discovered the TEC Book of Common Prayer, was impressed with it, and uses it as part of his private devotions.
For over 30 years, I’ve prayed the daily office in the Book of Common Prayer used in the Church of England (the Episcopal Church here in the United States). One of the nice things about the Church of England is that it knows good English when it hears it, and I love the cool, solid voice of Episcopal prayer. I need God’s mercy, but I also need God’s elegance.
He mentions that he bought his first copy new in the 1980s, which means that it had to have been the 1979 version. He apparently uses it without complaint.

He makes no mention of Anglicanorum Coetibus, nor the authority of its august Society. I simply don't know what his reaction would be to seeing the language of the DWM, OF tricked out in faux Stuart English, but then, he probably wouldn't spend $400 on a copy for private devotions anyhow.

My visitor says, "It would have been so much easier doing what this guy does and not creating the ‘fraudinariate’ as a newly departed friend used to call the Ordinariate."

"Fraudinariate". I love it.