Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Vetting Of Protestant Converts!

In the context of yesterday's post, this appears at Eye of the Tiber.
In a speech in Rome last night, Cardinal Raymond Burke outlined his plans to combat Protestant theology from entering the Church, including a new screening test for converts to the Catholicism.

Applicants would be tested to determine whether or not they share traditional Catholic beliefs such as praying to the saints and the Eucharist.

Clearly this is tongue-in-cheek -- but would more vetting in fact be appropriate for candidates for ordination in the OCSP? I would probe especially those whose formation took place in Reformed or Lutheran seminaries, to the extent of asking what their courses in moral theology covered. (This would be nothing more than the examination of my undergraduate curriculum that took place when I went to graduate school.)

Another key issue would be discerning what they had in mind when they took their vows of obedience.