Monday, June 27, 2016

Desultory Non-Announcements

Apropos of yesterday's post, my regular correspondent sent me a copy of this announcement on the Facebook page of the St Robert Bellarmine diocesan parish in Blue Springs, MO:

My correspondent says that a former CEC clergyman, now a lay leader at the diocesan parish near Kansas City, tried to get an Ordinariate group going there. The parish web site still lists a Sunday Vespers service at 4:00 PM; whether this is from the BDW or under any particular sponsorship of the OCSP isn't clear -- nor whether the group-in-formation is still in existence.

It does puzzle me that the OCSP web site does not offer any sort of pointer for those seeking out nearby groups that might be in the early process of formation. Do certain groups (which is to say, certain OCSP clergy) have the inside track to recognition? My correspondent comments,

Apropos of whether communities resist growth in covert ways, I would say that failure to embrace the internet and social media is a pretty clear sign that new faces are not really welcome. A blizzard of posts and blogs early on, followed by nothing, or a stream of generic postings provided by News.VA or similar, suggests to me that the website and/or Facebook page is the pastor's responsibility and he is burned out. No leadership from Houston on this subject, of course. Their communication department has gone from nonexistent/incompetent to at least functional, but there is no vision. Ms Faber's changes have been minimal; clearly this is not her full-time job.